There was a problem with your submission.
Errors have been highlighted below.
1 Personal Details
You'll get a text SMS to this number upon payment
This is the email we will use to send all welcome information
This is your current, residential address
This bank account must be in your name for the 1st payment we make to you
Must be between 6 and 10 characters.
Currently Used: 0 characters.
Must be between 8 and 8 characters.
Currently Used: 0 characters.
2 ID Details

ID Documents

Pentagon Payroll Umbrella runs an electronic ID check for all new employees. This allows us to check your ID/Right to work in the UK.

(If you don't have this information to hand, you can provide it at a later date providing it's with us before your 1st payment)

Please tick which category you fall under, and the relevant ID requirements will pop up:

UK and EEA nationals

Please provide the following details from your passport and UK driving licence.

You can send these details through at a later stage if you'd prefer, although this will need to be with us before your first payment is due.

If you don't have either of these documents please let us know and we can request alternative documents.

Please ensure you have entered the long serial number from the bottom of your passport photo page.

E.G. 1234567890 GBR 1234567 M 1234567 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 00
E.G SURNA 123456 AB9CD
If you'd prefer, you can attach relevant copies of your ID here.

Non EEA nationals

Please provide copies of your passport and visa below, and your UK driving licence number if you have one. You can send these details through at a later stage if you'd prefer, although this will need to be with us before your first payment is due.

Special note regarding right to work documents: Following new Homeoffice guidance 2014, employers can no longer accept certain right to work documents. This includes visas or indefinite leave in an expired passport and old home office letters confirming indefinite leave to remain. If you think that your documents may fall into this category or you are unsure and want to check, please get in touch with us and we can let you know.

Please attach relevant copies of your ID here. you can email or fax these to us at a later date if you'd prefer
E.G SURNA 123456 AB9CD

We need your ID on file before we can make payments

Once we have received your registration form, we will let you know if any further ID documents are required.

We always need to have your ID on file before we can make any payments to you.

3 Contract Details

Contract Details

Please provide as much information as possible to enable us to get in touch with your recruitment agency and arrange contract information

4 P45/P46


You can email or fax this to us at a later date if you'd prefer


Please tick one of the boxes in the P46 below:

Select one option from A, B or C.
Tick Student loan if applicable.

Part A
This is my first job since 6 April 2017 and I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit or a state or occupational pension.

Part B
This is now my only job, but since 6 April 2017 and I have had another job, or have received taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a state or occupational pension.

Part C
I have another job or receive a state or occupational pension

Student Loan
If you left a course of UK Higher Education before 6 April 2017 and received your first UK Student Loan installment on or after 1 Sept 1998 and you have not fully repaid your Student Loan, tick part D below. (Do not tick part D if you are repaying your UK Student Loan by agreement with the UK Student Loans Company to make monthly payments through your bank or building society account.)

Student Loan Plan 1 - Lived in Scotland or NI when you started your course, or you lived in England or Wales and started your course before 01/09/2012

Student Loan Plan 2 - Lived in England and Wales and started course after 01/09/2012

Holiday Pay

As default, we pay Holiday Pay to you ‘rolled up’ (paid alongside your regular salary and nothing is held back.) However if you would prefer for us to hold this back for you instead, we can accommodate this too. Any accrued funds will be held back, to be released during time off or at assignment end in full.

If there is anything else you think we might need to know - pop it all into the comment box here.